When loans are quoted by lenders, most buyers pay attention to the interest rate but not so much to the points that may be charged(more…)

Month: October 2017
Debt Relief May Trigger Tax
The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act, originally passed in 2007, was extended three times to protect homeowners from paying income tax on debt that was relieved due to(more…)
Indecision is Not a Decision
There could be some legitimate reasons for not buying a home but indecision is not one of them. Indecision is rooted in not having enough(more…)
Risk Rate Relationship
Regardless of what a lender quotes on mortgage rates, the actual rate a borrower pays is based on a number of variables. Lenders determine whether(more…)
Pre-approval is Good for Everyone
Buyer’s mortgage pre-approval is good for everyone in the transaction. It saves time, money and removes the uncertainty of knowing whether the buyer will be(more…)